• Dental Anxiety

    Dental Anxiety

Overcome Your Dental Anxiety With Sedation

What is Dental Anxiety?

Dental anxiety is common and may affect people at all ages. According to NHS, one in four people tends to have some sort of dental anxiety or fear. It varies from mild nervousness to severe phobia and usually affects people in a number of different ways. For example, some patients might be scared of the dentist due to their unpleasant dental experiences in childhood, others might feel nervous when they hear drilling sounds, see dental implements or think of the dental environment.

Dental anxiety is unique to each patient and needs to be addressed in a different way. Our clinical care team is here to listen, help and deliver personalised dental care for all including slightly anxious and phobic dental patients.

Do you feel anxious or nervous before your dental visit?

As mentioned before dental anxiety is unique to each patient and may affect you in a variety of different ways. Fortunately the dental industry has vastly advanced over the last 10 years and can offer you advanced and pain free technology to treat any dental concerns you may have. If you haven’t been to the dentist for a long time you might be pleasantly surprised with the technology and techniques we have to offer.

At Brite Detal we understand that patients may have dental anxieties or fears. Our aim is to make your time at the practice and dental chair as easy and as enjoyable as possible. We have developed a gentle and calm manner to help our patients to have dental treatments they wish to have. Our clinical team is highly trained to help anxious patients, so if you feel nervous or scared of going to the dentist we are here to listen and assist you in overcoming your dental anxieties.

Overcome your dental anxiety with Sedation 

What is Oral Sedation? If you have a phobia of the dentist and are looking to make your treatment more comfortable and easy then dental sedation may be the answer.

There are two types of concious sedation that we can administer at Brite Dental including:

IV sedation where the sedative is entered into the bloodstream via your arm.

Oral sedation where the sedative is consumed with a soft drink

If you have any concerns and are a dental phobic please speak to a member of our team who will be there to listen and advise you on what to do next.

Contact us today and find out how Brite Dental can help you to overcome your dental anxieties and fears.